Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life Goes On

In the course of seven months quite a few changes have taken place in the lives of the Moore 4ish.  We will VERY SOON (hopefully) we welcoming our fifth and final member of our family :)  Honestly, we can't wait.  Well, I personally can't wait for many, many reasons...but everyone else (Tyler, Lucy and Will) are just plain thrilled to see her, hold her, love her and welcome her into our home.  I have a pretty amazing family.

Speaking of homes...we bought one!  We moved into a nice little neighborhood in Boiling Springs and it's beyond perfect.  Everyday I wake up here or drive home and pull in the driveway I can't believe we live here!  It's nothing amazing of course but God continues to provide way above and beyond anything we could have ever hoped for.

So, I'll give a quick run down here...

Last summer three of our siblings got married :)

October/November I lost my mind a bit :(

Christmas was awesome - I felt tons better, we went "home" to Illinois and had a wonderful time :)

However, the blue beast bit the dust on the way home :(

Our families literally rallied together to figure out how to get us back on the road both in reality and in life.  I really don't know what we'd do without each and every one of them. :))))

In January I got a new job, Lucy and Will went back to school and life slowly fell back into a routine. :)

We found out we were expecting an Audrey Elaine instead of a Drew Abram and we were ALL stunned about that!  :)  Yay, bring on the PINK!

In February we welcomed our third niece, Natalie Louise Fox.  She's a doll and absolutely LOVES me.  I hate it that I'm the favorite amongst all of my nieces but hey, what can I say, I'm the coolest! ;)

Also, in February, we decided to start looking for a more permant place to live in the South.  We closed on our house mid-March.

Our Lucy turned 5 years old at the end of March...yes, F-I-V-E.  She's truly one of the most amazing little girls I've ever known.  She is a very unique child and I'm so thankful she's ours.  God has given her a loving, nurturing heart.  She is very protective of her brother and so considerate of Tyler and I.  The older she gets the more and more she demonstrates characteristics like her dad.  She's so very smart but very cautious when she meets someone new.  I've said time and time again she either immediately likes you or doesn't and usually there is no changing her mind.  She's cool and I'm so proud of her.

My Dad turned 60 this year!!!  I know he never thought he'd see 60.  It's crazy because I think he's stuck here with us for quite sometime but some people get crazy things in their heads.  :)  Anyway, we CELEBRATED his life!  Adrienne and Margaret wanted to throw a surprise party and wanted us to come!  So, we decided on Easter weekend and 35 weeks pregnant, with two toddlers and one very sleepy husband we headed north!  It was SO worth the trip! We partied with the Moore's, snuggled Natalie for the first time, enjoyed a cousin sleepover, ate tons of good food and played in the beautiful Illinois weather.  I spent the day with my sisters preparing for my dad's party and literally felt that at moments that I could cry I needed to be with them so much.  Dad's party was awesome!  We got to visit with the Allison crew and it's always so amazing to see how quickly our family is growing UP!  Babies, toddler and teens that I have to do double takes to recognize.  It was a very special night :)

In March, Tyler found out one of his fellow employees got a new job at a different company and he had the opportunity to move to FIRST SHIFT!!!  We are so beyond excited that we will all be on the same sleep schedule since before Will was born!  Praise the Lord!  He hasn't made the switch yet but it won't be long and now that there is an end in sight I am more anxious than ever!

So, here we are, late April and we're waiting...we're waiting for life to change yet again.  But you know what, life always seems to go on.  It's a beautiful thing!  I feel prepared (at this moment anyway!) to welcome my third child.  I can't wait to snuggle our third miracle and see, yet again, the beautiful blessing God has given Tyler and I.  :)

The arrival story of Audrey and pictures to follow very soon...

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