Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's new...

Our life has been absolutely normal lately...that is if you consider us "normal"  :)  We have been running and playing, laughing, crying, fighting and hugging, swimming and going to the park.  Watching movies, making trips to the Dairy Queen, playing with the cousins, jumping on the trampoline, helping "clean" up the yard, cooking out, taking walks and playing DSi.  Lucy pesters Will and Will slaps her...then Lucy cries and tells on him...and in the next five minutes they're playing with Play-Doh.  It's wonderful!!!  Our biggest problem is usually... what's for dinner!?! 

We have a pretty busy summer planned.  But we don't care, at least it's summer!  Yay for shorts!!!  We have three more weddings to attend this summer...EXCITING!  We are looking forward to the arrival of Mr. Dougherty (my friend Meredith's baby boy) in late July and we are also planning a July rafting trip.  Little "Willy Worm" (as he is known by his friends) has a second birthday coming up too!  It's going to fun...and expensive!  But life is sweet! 

Lucy is 3 going on 13.  She is smart and quick to let me know just how things are going to be.  Tonight while preparing to eat ice cream she informed us...when I grow up I'm going to be a good mom.  THEN she instructed me to stop spooning ice cream into her bowl, "that's ENOUGH, I'm gonna be sick."  She's right I do think she'll be a good mom someday....heck she even keeps me in line.  But at night she morphs back into the baby girl I know and love!  She cuddles up to me and never fails to tell me how much she loves me.   I'm thankful for that quality in her.  She is very sweet.  However, the other night she asked if I would lay down with her and so I did.  I crawled into her bed and pulled her close to me.  She snuggled in and I said, "Lu, I love you" to which she replied, "your breath smells like salad."  O.K. weird.  But in her defense I do hate the smell of Ranch and garlic on other people's breath...so I get it :)

Will has been surprising me lately!  He is very brave in the water...he just kicks around like an old pro and he's only 23 months.  He jumps from the top step emerging from the water red-eyed and laughing.  He says, "Mommy, watch dis!"...then "Nanny, watch dis...Papaw, watch dis...again, again!" (you catch my drift)  He has started to stutter a bit but only when he starts a sentence with I...example, "I, I, uh I wanna watch Monsters...I, I like Monsters!"  It's cracking me up.  He has always been the best sleeper.  About 8:00 every evening he'll locate his "night-night" (cloth diaper) and "fire" (pacifier) and head to his bedroom.  This week we have decided to wean from the pacifier...so far so good.  I don't care if he takes his night-night to high school at LEAST people will be able to understand him :)  Will is my boy...I adore everything about our little guy! :) 

Play-doh time!  Lucy is always in charge of who gets what.  Will is being molded into the most patient man!
New favorite activity to argue over...who gets to stir the tea first?!

Lucy ALWAYS waits so patiently...you believe that don't you?!

"IS it MY turn yet...huh...HUH DAD??"

 I've been wanting to blog for sometime now about my new hobby.  I'm calling it my hobby because it seems to consume all of my time thoughts.  I joined Weight Watchers in late January of this year.  I was optimistic but nervous.  I had tried it before.  I was slightly successful the first time but just didn't stick with it.  I know all of the advice that goes along with the program...losing weight has to be a life change NOT a temporary one.  I get that but for some reason my weight has always been my biggest struggle.  I know it seems like I don't know what causes me to be overweight..I do...it's just SO hard.  I SO enjoy my food.  AND I'm not picky or judgmental...any food will do :)  Anyhoo...not to go on and on....to date I have lost right around 30 lbs.  I FEEL so much better...I know I still have a long way to go but so far things are going great.  I definitely haven't gone health nut on you or anything but I am trying to be more healthy for my friends, family and ultimately myself!  I walked a 5K, I have been walking pretty regularly in the evenings, I am pretty good at Wii Fit hula hooping if I do say so myself and last night I went to my first aqua zumba class.  I like being in the water for two reasons...first you don't sweat and second you can shake your booty as hard as you want and/or gyrate every part of your body and no one can tell because you're under the water!!!  The resistance really makes it a great workout and aside from splashing myself in the face a few times it's completely painless!  I LOVED it...I loved the music, the people and the workout!  I can't wait to go back :) 

I know this isn't the best picture but I wanted to document where I'm at right now.  I HOPE I can get to my goal weight before 2012!  I'll keep you updated.
THE best part of my day today was this evening while working at the computer...the kids were playing in the living room...Tyler had started some music on the computer before the kids and I got home.  He was in the kitchen...MAKING SUPPER(!!!sorry he's taken ladies!!!) and a new song came on.  I don't know the name of the song because it was country and country music is not my favorite.  Anyway, when the song came on Tyler came around the corner and held out his hand.  We haven't slow danced in a long time.  Things are a bit different now...work, bills, kiddos...but he's still that guy I feel in love with almost 11 years ago.  And he still takes my breath away!

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