Saturday, April 30, 2011

yay, Yay, YAY!!!

Lucy's leg is doing GREAT!!!  At her most recent appointment yesterday her doctor said her x-rays look wonderful...she has absolutely NO restrictions and can do whatever she feels like!  We watched our little girl stand and walk for the first time in 6 looks like she's grown a foot!  She is a bit unstable and walks a bit like Gumby but other than that she is back to her old self!  On the way to her appointment Lucy predicted, "Dr. Mudd, Dr. Gweenberg, and Nurse Marsha are going to say, Woocy...GET UP AND WALK."  (Lu has a bit of a problem with some r's and all l's)  Anyway, boy was she right or what!?  That's exactly what they said.  There is absolutely no evidence of recurrence at this time, her leg is strong and should be hard enough to bear weight on. YAY!  Lucy hugged everyone, we made a three month follow-up appointment and we were OUTTA THERE!!  We stepped out into the sunshine, Lucy was stepping high...she was so proud...she took about three steps and face planted right into the parking lot!  AHhhhhh...she scuffed up her nose and hurt her pride but she recovered and we headed off to get her some chicken, french fries and most importantly ketchup!

Our plan was to celebrate by heading to the St. Louis Zoo after lunch...however when we got to the zoo it was PACKED!  There was not ONE parking place left.  I was beginning to panic seeing how we had really talked up our visit sooooo I punched in the Magic House on our GPS we gracefully moved on to Plan B. 

I am so impressed with the Magic House in St. Louis.  I had heard about it but was never in a real hurry to visit.  There was so much to do and see!  Every single activity was a learning experience for all of us.  Lucy had a blast in the Bob the Builder room.  She navigated her way around to each exhibit and slowly but surely walked to each and every room.  After a while we decided to go outside to enjoy some of the sunshine!  We found a swing and decided to let Lulu roam a bit.  She decided not to play in the fun noodle pit OR the water pit OR the sand pit...instead Lucy decided to tidy up the yard.  She began picking up sticks and throwing them over the fence...then she'd yell..."Look Mom, I'm pickin up these sticks!"  Yep, good job Lu...I guess she has learned something from the, Pick up, Pick up Song! (haven't heard it???  Pick up, Pick up, doot ta doot ta doot ta doo!!)  Anyway, the main thing is that she had fun and she fact we had to peel her fingers off of the door jam when we were trying to leave. 

Our next plan was to head back across the river and stop in Fairview Heights were we would be joined by my Mom and Dad, Will, Adrienne, Joey, Allison, Benjamin, Margaret and Travis!  We booked a hotel room and decided to have a little swimming celebration!  We ordered pizza and occupied the pool most of the evening.  Our families have been such a strong support system through this whole ordeal...and always.  It's nice to have so many people to celebrate life's joys with. 

One final note...yesterday seemed like a very happy ending (I pray!) to a terrifying time in our life.  I am constantly trying to see the good that comes out of every and all situations.  I know there has been good that has come out of this one.  I decided to enter Lucy in a contest.  Jason and Aurelia Stratton are extraordinary photographers that host a Blessings contest every year.  This year I felt compelled to enter Lucy for many reasons.  First of all she is without a doubt one of the two biggest blessings in my life...Secondly, if you are familiar with the work of the Stratton's at all you understand the outstanding memories they capture.  It's as if they put their heart and soul into every session they perform.  I have had the opportunity to see them work together at a wedding...and there is just something different about them.  Their work moves me and I want to remember everything about this time in our lives.  It has been such an emotional's time to happy and  thankful for our healthy family!  However, you must check out their blog...there are many other stories of blessings that will move you to tears, make you smile and give you hope.  There are so many people deserving of their gifts!  The Stratton's are blessing us all with their work...many thanks and lots of love to the both of them! Please check out their blog and all of the entries for the Blessings 2011 Contest at 

Our little girl a week ago...
Our BIG girl yesterday!!!
Bob the Builder and Lucy his out folks!
Very cool...and yet this is a very scary picture!
She is his mini-me.
This was Lucy's favorite little nook at the Magic House...I think she could have stayed in there all day!
Yes she can!
Lucy and a friend she made by the fountain.
Beautiful day at the Magic House!
Lucy and Will sharing a snack this morning..I think she was wiping his mouth here...OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'VE GOT PEANUT BUTTER ON YOUR FACE...big sister Lucy to the rescue!
"I do it MOM!"

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