Lucy and Will are went on a little vacation. Who sends their two toddlers on vacation by themselves you might ask? Well, we do! Adrienne wanted them to come visit for a week sometime this summer and since we've had so much company lately we decided to send them back to Illinois while the transportation was readily available. So a week ago today I buckled them into my mother and father-in-law's vehicle and away they went. I have had moments of pure joy being able to relax and do as I wish. But most of the time I miss the noise and the sweet moments I have with two of the best kids God ever put on this planet. They possess a HUGE chunk of my heart and frankly it hurts when they are away. I'm so thankful for family that love them and want them like we do. I'm glad they have this time to be with them without Tyler and me.
Funny story, I was talking to Lucy yesterday on the phone. From time to time she gets in these talkative moods and in those moments I know she's at least a little bit me. Anyway, she was in one of those moods yesterday :) I love listening to her jabber on and on about anything and everything...however, right now the focus seems to be baseball, soccer and basketball. She's been playing baseball with my nephew Ben's team and she is LOVING it! So, one moment when she took a breath I said, "oh Lu, it's so good to hear you're having a great time but I sure do miss my girl." She surprised me by asking me if I wished she hadn't gone to Illinois. I told her no that I was glad she went but that didn't make me miss her any less. She was quiet just a second before blowing me away by asking, "Are you glad we're here because you're sick of taking care of kids? You can't handle having three kids?" Uh...NO, I'm not sure where she heard that but I'm sure whoever was having the discussion didn't realize her little ears were taking it all in ;) I do want to tell her some day that there are many things that I am very grateful for having had a third baby. It's awesome to see Lucy and Will enjoy being big siblings to Audrey. Let's face it, Lucy was still a baby herself when Will came along and she doesn't remember what it was like for him to not be around. (Frankly, neither do I!) Secondly, having Audrey as taught me how to enjoy having a baby. I'm so much more relaxed and calm with her than I was with the first two. And, lastly, I simply can't imagine not having a sister so I am beyond thrilled that Lucy and Audrey will have each other. Tyler has made the claim that he feels the same way about having a brother and I calmly explained that God obviously thought Will could handle being the only boy seeing how our third baby is our last ;)
Before the kids left on their trip. I explained to both of them that I was worried about missing them and so to make me feel better they had to pinky promise to talk to me EVERY DAY on the phone. So, with both sets of honest eyes looking up at me they promised to take the time to humor their crazy mom at least once a day. However, in one week I've talked to my son ONE time on the phone!!! I can't wait to get my hands on that little stinker! Last night I got to see them both on Skype and I told Will he wasn't living up to his promise and I was going to get him when he got home. He flashed that precious smile of his and let out a belly laugh to let me know that being almost 600 miles away from me at that moment he wasn't a bit worried! I'm afraid that boy has me wrapped around his little finger...and knows it!
Below are a few pictures of our house. It's definitely still a work in progress but it sure does feel cozy and like it's always been our home! :)
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Check out my adorable nephew, Charlie, in our front yard! Isn't he the cutest?! |
Oh Helen, your sweet babies are just precious! You're an awesome mom of three! Love reading your posts :) Lucy is hilarious! She knows when momma needs a break. I bet you are missing her and Will like crazy. Audrey is just perfect and every family needs a kiddo with a little spunk. Jillian is our high maintenance, spunky one and Jonah is our laid back relaxed one. I wouldn't trade that for the world. Enjoy every moment with those sweet kids!