Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The decision has been made!

For eleven years now Tyler Moore and I have been sharing our hopes and dreams with each other.  Some crazy (usually mine) some very rational (usually his)...but this past December my husband and I sat in our dark kitchen.  We were talking about our life.  We are beyond lucky. We really have everything any couple could ask for.  SO, if we were being REALLY selfish our main complaint was that we didn't see enough of each other.  Our "family time" was very minimal.  Tyler's job is very demanding in a sense.  I know others have more demanding careers.  We by no means have it terribly rough.  However, almost five years ago, when we took our vows we made a promise to each other...we wanted to be a team.  For the past few years we have drifted apart in some aspects.  We pass each other coming and going, we rarely have a full weekend together and all in all Tyler is not happy in his position.  He needed a change...WE needed a change.  After a lengthy discussion the decision was made to begin a job search...anywhere...EVERY WHERE!  Our goal was to fulfill our dreams of both happiness in a career AND my dream of living somewhere unique and culturally vibrant.  I know that to others that may sound nuts...and that's ok.  We don't expect others to care or even understand our motives.  All we ask is that we are supported and loved for who we are and the decision that are right for us!

Long story short Tyler has been offered a position with a wonderful company in South Carolina.  We had the opportunity to visit a few weeks ago.  It was beautiful, exciting, fun and above all the company is exactly what Tyler was looking for.  We had dinner with his future boss and the plant manager and their wives.  I feel in love with all of them.  I'm so proud of Tyler.  My heart was so full on our way home from that trip.  From the very first interview this opportunity has just felt right.  And after our visit we felt even more positive we were headed in the right direction. 

Now, I've heard it already.  I know people think we're nuts.  Some of my co-workers don't think I'm ready to move away (does she know what she's doing...has she thought this through???).  Do I think it's going to be hard leaving my family and friends...HELL YES!  My heart aches when I think about it.  But I'm still beside my self with the anticipation and excitement of moving to our new home.  The closer it gets and the more reality sets in we are feeling more and more anxious.  Everything will be new.  I'm sure it will be stressful and probably financially difficult for a while.  Do we understand that when the excitement wears off reality will set in...yes.  BUT do we still think it's the right thing...yes, we do!

As a child I used to get homesick.  I couldn't even stay one night at a friends house without having to call my mom and dad to come and get me.  Now as I prepare to move 10 hours away from Jim, Susan, Adrienne and Margaret Allison I can't help but feel like I will be leaving a piece of my heart in Clay County. 

With all of that being said...we are SO proud to be jumping into this HUGE life change with both feet!  We expect to have lots of visitors and plan to travel home as often as we can!  Life will be different but oh so good!  Watch out South Carolina the Moore Four is about to invade!!! 

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