Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The BEST birthday present EVER!!!

We got a call from Cardinal Glennon yesterday afternoon about Lucy's biopsy results...the findings are a harmless, normal unicameral bone cyst!!!!!!!!

We are thrilled...well, beyond thrilled really...maybe ECSTATIC is the more appropriate term!  I knew that everything would be ok...I didn't know what the results would tell us but regardless I knew we would get through it.  But...THANK YOU GOD for such good news! 

There has been an overwhelming response of well-wishes, gifts, food and prayers that have been sent to our little family.  We are so very thankful to everyone!  Some of those people I love, others I know very well and some I have no clue who they even are...God is so awesome in so many ways!  He works through his people here on Earth and we have seen that first hand.  He gives us that shoulder to cry on (MOM), or that ear to listen (my City girls) or those kind words that you need to hear to help you get though a rough time (EVERYONE).  We had Lucy administered to TWICE!  I do believe in the power of prayer and my Lucy is perfect example why!

Lucy had a birthday this past weekend also.  She turned the big...3!  I am amazed at how quickly these past three years have flown by...and yet I can't really remember life before her :)  Her party was Saturday at Anthony's Resturant and while we had so much fun it would have been great to have this news about her biopsy because we were all a bit on edge!  This year we didn't really have a theme...actually we were lucky we had anything at all.  The mom around here has had a hard time getting things in order lately.  We enjoyed pizza and cupcakes with chocolate/marshmallow ice cream.  Lucy had a ball opening all of her gifts and cards.  Most of her presents consisted of movies, clothes and a lot of sit down activities for which I am very thankful :)  ALL of our family came (except Travis because he was very sick) and it was so nice to all be together.  The weather was a bit weird with the snow but other than that it was a perfect evening! 

Good Morning Birthday Girl (and pink bear)!
Lu look outside it snowed for your birthday...weird ;)

Look at me I got new Crocs!
AND boots!
In order of appearance (left to right) Maddie, Ben, Lucy, Allison, Charlie and Will
Goodnight BIG girl!  Can't believe you're 3!

Tomorrow will be two weeks since Lulu's surgery.  She has been "off" of that leg the whole time.  I am super proud of her...I had SO many people comment to me, "HOW in the heck are you going to keep a 2 year old from walking for six weeks?!"  Well, we have to remember that we aren't dealing with the average 2/3 year old here...she IS the most amazing toddler there ever was/is/will be (well equal to her brother anyway!) and she is doing wonderful!  No, being completely serious now, things have gone rather smoothly.  We will get though it, she will be fine, she will heal and by prime park weather our girl will be swinging and sliding right along with everyone else. 

If I'm being completely honest about the whole situation the person have the hardest time adjusting to our changes is William.  Poor guy he's right at that stage where he understands everything that's going on but doesn't have the language to express himself.  He is talking a lot but when he's angry, upset or tired it's always the same whine.  He is precious but I think he misses our norm...I do too and I am anxious to go back to boring :) 
Our sweet boy! (he's getting too BIG!)
Willy Worm LOVES his milk! 

Let me just wrap up this post by thanking you all again for helping us cope.  There is so much hurting in our world today and we feel beyond blessed to have so much support in all we do! 

Much love, The Moore Four

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